Monday, 1 October 2012

SEO Consult® to conduct new Google Experiment SEO Consult®, who were named as the 2012 number one UK search engine optimisation agency by the International Business Times, have recently announced they are to begin conducting a new and in-depth Google experiment. The results are expected to be published in a White Paper in early 2013.

SEO Consult®, who were named as the 2012 number one UK search engine optimisation agency by the International Business Times, have recently announced they are to begin conducting a new and in-depth Google experiment. The results are expected to be published in a White Paper in early 2013.
The Cheshire-based SEO experts have a new dedicated Research & Development team who are set to conduct experiments and research into the latest search engine optimisation industry trends. Their first experiment will focus on determining the various methods that the Google search engine bot uses to locate new content on the web. Examples of the kind of research that will be conducted include whether Google can crawl links in PDF documents and in JavaScript applications.
It is expected that the experiment will be on-going for several months before the results and conclusions are published in a White Paper, which SEO Consult® are hoping to share with the search engine optimisation community. This will be the first of several experiments planned by SEO Consult's® R&D team, with more expected to be announced for 2013.
"Research and development is something very important to SEO Consult®. As a search engine optimisation agency, we know that our proactive approach to identifying key industry trends not only stands our business in good stead, but it displays to our clients that their campaigns are being managed by capable hands." said Matt Bullas, Managing Director ofSEO Consult®. "We are hoping that the results of the experiments conducted by our R&D team will go onto be published in White Papers that will be hosted on our website and shared with other key figures within the SEO industry. We aim to roll out several experiments throughout the rest of the year and 2013."

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